Dubmire Workmens Club

Full information about Establishment Dubmire Workmens Club at Wynyard Street, Houghton le Spring, England DH4 6LS. Find the address of the company, the phone for communication, opening hours, feedback from customers and employees, as well as other information.


Wynyard Street, Houghton le Spring, England DH4 6LS
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+44 191 385 2283


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Dubmire Workmens Club

Reviews about Dubmire Workmens Club

  • Toria Storey
    ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
    There's not many pub/bars in Fencehouses now but one of the few that's left is the workman's club and it's a decent place.
    I've been going here since I was 18, you get a decent pint and a packet of crisps, watch some football or horse racing and meet the locals.
    They have a weekly bingo session on a Friday night and a weekly turn on a Saturday. They have two full scale snooker tables (which woman can also play on now) and a pool table and a dart board, local Domino's tournaments too.
    It has a main bar area which many of the locals sit in.
    A lovely cozy lounge were the bingo is normally situated, and a larger lounge area were the turns are based even has a dance floor , you can hold christening and funeral wakes and any celebrations in the workman's club just pop in and ask the chairman.
    You can also get yourself an annual yearly membership too for a small fee, which you can use all over the country in any workman's clubs. Lots of family generations have gone through the workman's club and its a lovely place.
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10.05.2024 22:00 15